Transnational governance through private authority
By Maria Tysiachniouk
Subjects: Sustainable forestry, Social sciences, Certification, Agriculture, Standards, Forest Stewardship Council, Forest products, Forests and forestry, Transnationalism, Forest management
Description: This book provides a novel approach for understanding and analyzing transnational governance by private authorities. It brings together theoretical and empirical insights by introducing a new master concept: governance generating networks (GGN). These networks comprise three structural elements: (1) nodes of design, where global standards are developed; (2) forums of negotiation, where stakeholders discuss and negotiate the standards; and (3) sites of implementation, where global rules are transferred into concrete practices on the ground. This concept captures both transnational processes and local practices that take place in the sites of implementation, involving local actors and stakeholders as they react and adjust to the new global standards. The book focuses on forest governance through the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification scheme, investigating implementation of FSC standar.
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