La encrucijada

La encrucijada

By William P. Young

Subjects: Heridas, lesiones, Novela, Fiction, Coma, Cabeza, Patients, Negociantes, Religious fiction, Life change events, Momentos cumbres

Description: Anthony Spencer es egoista, esta orgulloso del exito empresarial que ha conseguido por si mismo y se encuentra en el punto maximo de su carrera a pesar de que el costo de ese logro ha sido dolorosamente alto. Una hemorragia cerebral deja a Yony en coma, en la sala de terapia intensiva de un hospital. Despierta para encontrarse en un mundo surrealista, un paisaje viviente que refleja las dimensiones de su vida terrena, desde lo bello hasta lo corrupto. Es, en ese sitio, donde tiene vividas interacciones con otros individuos, que supone son proyecciones de su propio subconsciente, pero cuyas instrucciones sigue, sin importar nada, con la posibilidad de que puedan conducirle a la autenticidad y, tal vez, a la rendencion. La aventura sumerge a Tony en profundas e intrincadas relaciones donde es capaz de ver, ocultar sus intereses personales y la perdida que surgen para oponerse a los procesos de sanacion y confianza. Esta conjuncion inesperada de sucesos provocara que Tony examine su vida y se percate de que he creado un castillo de naipes sobre el terreno envenenado de un corazon roto? Tendra tambien el valor de tomar una decision critica que pueda resarcir la grave injusticia que puso en marcha antes de entrar en coma? Anthony Spencer is egotistical, proud of being a self-made business success at the peak of his game, even though the cost of winning was painfully high. A cerebral hemorrhage leaves Tony comatose in a hospital ICU. He 'awakens' to find himself in a surreal world, a 'living' landscape that mirrors dimensions of his earthly life, from the beautiful to the corrupt. It is here that he has vivid interactions with others he assumes are projections of his own subconscious, but whose directions he follows nonetheless with the possibility that they might lead to authenticity and perhaps, redemption. The adventure draws Tony into deep relational entanglements where he is able to 'see' through the literal eyes and experiences of others, but is "blind" to the consequences of hiding his personal agenda and loss that emerge to war against the processes of healing and trust. Will this unexpected coalescing of events cause Tony to examine his life and realize he built a house of cards on the poisoned grounds of a broken heart? Will he also have the courage to make a critical choice that can undo a major injustice he set in motion before falling into a coma?


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