Report of compliance for mitigation requirements for sensitive wildlife and special status plant species during seismic operations on the Nuevo Energy Company Cymric 2D seismic survey, McKittrick, Kern County, California
By BioEnvironmental Associates
Subjects: Seismic prospecting, Wildlife conservation, Environmental aspects, Vibroseis
Description: "This report presents results of preactivity surveys for sensitive wildlife and special status plant species and mitigation compliance monitoring for avoidance of sensitive biological resources during cross-country vehicle travel for seismic operations at the Nuevo Energy Cyrmic 2D seismic survey. The project was conducted from approximately April 25-June 30, 2001 near McKittrick, California on public lands managed by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management and on surrounding private lands owned or leased by Nuevo Energy Company. An environmental assessment was prepared for this project...and was issued by BLM. General descriptions of seismic techniques and design used during this are presented and discussed in this report"--from Executive Summary.
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