The non-authentic nature of Freud's observations
By Max Scharnberg
Subjects: textual analysis, neurasthenia, sexual abuse, sources of psychoanalysis, anxiety neurosis, psychology of lying, scientific fraud, gossip, Psychoanalysis, Fraud in science, anal character, Sexual disorders, Freud's personality, astrology, History, Dora-case, hysteria
Description: First main theme. 369 pages are devoted to the analysis of Freud's third seduction paper (1896) of 35 pages, which was for a century praised of wealth of observations and its careful reporting of them. By applying elementary textual analysis to this paper it is seen that Freud is spinning yarns without having concrete patients in his mind. He does not even recall his own lies from one page to the next. Clinical observations are almost totally absent. Second main theme. In 1897 Felix Gattel went to Vienna and studied 100 consecutive patients at Krafft-Ebing's sexual clinic. Gattel's observations and conclusions are thoroughly analysed and all case-records involving patients who he gave the diagnosis "hysteria" are translated verbatim. The important thing is that Freud perceived Gattel's extremely trivial observations and his pseudo-scientific conclusions as plagiarisms of Freud's ideas; a reaction that proves that Freud did the same thing. Third main theme: Freud's ideas about the anal character were almost literally borrowed from the virgo personality of astrology.
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