The sub-loco notes in the Former Prophets of Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia
By Christopher Dost
Subjects: Scholia, Bible, Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, Textual Criticism, Masora, Anmerkung, Versions, Masorah
Description: "In preparing the Masorah of Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (BHS), Gérard E. Weil did not diplomatically present the Masorah of the Leningrad Codex (ML) as the editors of BHS did with ML's text; rather, he opted to "complete," "revise," and "integrate" the text and Masorah of ML (BHS, xv). In BHS's Masoretic apparatus, Weil marked certain Masorah parva notes "sub loco" in order to refer the reader to the corresponding commentary that was to be found in the third volume of Massorah Gedolah. Due to Weil's passing, however, this commentary was never realized. A published analysis of BHS's sub loco notes had to wait until Daniel S. Mynatt's groundbreaking 1994 monograph, The Sub Loco Notes in the Torah of Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, wherein he lists, analyzes, and classifies the Pentateuch's 297 sub loco notes with a view to determining how and why BHS's Mp differs from that of ML. Since that time, no analysis of the sub loco notes of the Prophets or the Writings has been published. In this volume, Dost continues and methodologically advances Mynatt's research by incorporating the Aleppo and Cairo Codices. After evaluating all 414 sub loco notes in the corpus of the Former Prophets, he evaluates Weil's contribution by comparing Weil's revision of the Leningrad Codex's Masorah against the Masorah of the Aleppo Codex."--Provided by publisher.
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