The Sacred Hoop
By Paula Gunn Allen
Subjects: Women authors, Women, Intellectual life, American literature, women authors, Indian women, north america, Indians of north america, social life and customs, Femmes écrivains, Indian authors, Femininity in literature, Littérature américaine, American Indians, Indian women in literature, Écrits de femmes américains, Native American, Mujeres, Letterkunde, Indiennes d'Amérique dans la littérature, Mujeres como autoras, Indian women, HISTORY, Femmes indiennes, American literature, indian authors, history and criticism, Vrouwen, Indians of north america, intellectual life, American literature, history and criticism, Cultuur, Indians of North America, Indianen, American literature, indian authors, Indios de América del Norte, Autores indios, Féminité dans la littérature, History and criticism, Histoire et critique, Gebruiken, American literature, Auteurs indiens d'Amérique, Auteurs indiens, Historia y crítica, Women and literature, Indians in literature, Literatura americana, Recueils d'articles
Description: This pioneering work documents the continuing vitality of the American Indian tradition and of women's leadership within that tradition. In her new preface to this edition, Allen reflects on the remarkable resurgence of American Indian pride and culture in recent times.
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