Andrology for the clinician
By Timothy B. Hargreave, F. H. Comhaire, W.-B Schill
Subjects: Male Genital Diseases, Methods, Andrology, Generative organs, male, diseases, Clinical Medicine
Description: Table of contents 1. Andrology Definition, Clinical Issues and Prevalence W. -B. Schill, F. Comhaire, T. B. Hargreave 2. Layout and How to Use the Book F. Comhaire 3. Evidence-Based Medicine in Reproductive Medicine and Andrology F. Comhaire, A. Mahmoud 4. Economic Cost and Cost-Effectiveness F. Comhaire, A. Mahmoud 5. Ethics of Reproductive Research and Treatment T. B. Hargreave 6. Human Tissue for Research T. Hargreave Part I.Diagnosing and Solving Clinical Problems 7. Gender Dysphoria G. G. R. T’Sjoen 8. Disorders of Sexual Differentiation G. G. R. T’Sjoen 9. Problem Abnormal Pubertal Development S. A. Wudy 10. The Consensus-Based Approach to Standardized Diagnosis and Management of the Infertile Male F. Comhaire, A. Mahmoud 11. The WHO Recommended Diagnostic Flow Chart F. Comhaire, A. Mahmoud 12. Implications of Multifactorial Aetiology in the Diagnosis and Management of Male Infertility F. Comhaire, A. Mahmoud 13. Sexual Dysfunction and Male Fertility T. B. Hargreave 14. Reference Values of Semen Variables and Their Interpretation F. Comhaire, A. Mahmoud 15. Normal Spermatozoa and Isolated Abnormalities of Seminal Plasma F. Comhaire, A. Mahmoud 16. Immunological Causes A. Mahmoud, F. Comhaire 17. Iatrogenic Causes of Abnormal Spermatozoa G. Haidl 18. Systemic Causes of Male Infertility A. Mahmoud, F. Comhaire 19. Congenital Disorders and Male Infertility T. Hargreave 20. Acquired Testicular Damage G. Haidl 21. Cause Varicocele F. Comhaire, A. Mahmoud 22. InfectionInflammation of the Accessory Sex Glands F. Comhaire, A. Mahmoud 23. Endocrine Factors R. Weber 24. Oligo-Astheno-Teratozoo-Spermia with No Demonstrable Cause (Idiopathic O-A-T) F. Comhaire, A. Mahmoud 25. Azoospermia G. R. Dohle 26. Erectile Dysfunction T. B. Hargreave 27. Erectile Deformity, Including Peyronie’s Disease T. B. Hargreave 28. Ejaculatory Dysfunction Premature Ejaculation, Delayed Ejaculation, Anejaculation, Low-Volume Ejaculation, Retrograde Ejaculation and Painful Ejaculation T. B. Hargreave 29. Orgasm Dysfunction T. B. Hargreave 30. Abnormal Libido B. Brosig 31. Sexual Deviation and Paraphilias M. Beutel 32. Controversies Regarding Postvasectomy Management J. Shah, H. Fisch 33. Vasectomy Reversal A. Belker 34. Male Contraception D. Handelsman, G. Waites 35. Traditional Methods D. Handelsman, G. Waites 36. Reproductive Tract InfectionsSexually Transmitted Diseases F. R. Ochsendorf 37. HIV Infection F. R. Ochsendorf 38. Testicular Torsion C. F. Heyns, A. J. Visser 39. Blunt Testicular Trauma J. Vale 40. Penile Fractures W. D. Aiken 41. Priapism P. Kumar, D. J. Ralph 42. Testicular Pain and Related Pain Syndromes T. B. Hargreave, L. Turner-Stokes 43. Scrotal Benign Lesions, Epididymal Cysts, Epididymal Tumours K. Turner 44. Testicular Cancer, CIS, Microcalcifications, TNM Classification O. St?hl, J. Eberhard, A. Giwercman 45. Penile Inflammations F. -M. K?hn 46. Penile Cancer I. D. C. Mitchell 47. Circumcision C. F. Heyns, J. N. Krieger 48. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and Prostatic Cancer S. A. McNeill, S. K. W. Leung 49. Prostatitis M. C. Bishop 50. Gynaecomastia and Benign Breast Hyperplasia Including Iatrogenic Causes W. Krause 51. Skin Diseases of the Male Nipple W. Krause 52. Male Breast Cancer P. S. H. Soon, J. M. Dixon 53. Neuroendocrine Regulation of Testicular Function J. M. Kaufman 54. Male Ageing Wear and Tear F. Comhaire, A. Mahmoud 55. Organ Failure and Common Disease of the Ageing Male E. J. H. Meuleman, F. Comhaire Part II.Rationale 56. Anatomy and Histology of the Male Genital Tract A. Meinhardt 57. Sexual Differentiation and Development Y. L. Giwercman, A. Nordenskj?ld 58. Physiology of Spermatogenesis M. Bergmann 59. Physiology of Sexual Function O. Baldo, I. Eardley 60. Endocrine Regulation F. Comhaire, A. Mahmoud 61. Immunology of the Testis and Excurrent Ducts H. -C. Schuppe, A. Meinhardt 62. Male Contributions to the Biology of Conception and Fertilization H. J. Tournaye 63. Disorders of Prenatal Sexual Development P. Wieacker 64. Endocrine Disorders and the Role of Hormone Disrupters A. Mahmoud, F. Comhaire 65. InfectionInflammation of the Male Genital Tract as Cause of Abnormal Spermatozoa C. Depuydt, A. Mahmoud, K. Everaert 66. Urethritis, Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD), Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) F. R. Ochsendorf 67. Disorders of Blood Flow Arterial and VenousSexual Dysfunction and Varicocele G. M. Colpi, M. Mancini, G. Piediferro, F. I. Scroppo 68. Effects of Lifestyle and Toxicants J. P. Bonde 69. Influence of Systemic Diseases and Iatrogenic Factors on Sexual and Reproductive Functions R. Bornman 70. Mechanisms of Pathogenesis of Uro-Genital Cancers T. F. ’Aho, D. E. Neal 71. History and Examination for Andrological Problems T. B. Hargreave 72. Semen Analysis and Sperm Function Tests F. Comhaire, A. Mahmoud 73. Cytomorphological Semen Analysis G. Haidl, H. -C. Schuppe 74. Clinical Microbiology H. G. Schiefer, A. Graevenitz 75. Hormonal Evaluation in Infertility and Sexual Dysfunction D. Klingmüller, N. Bliesener, G. Haidl 76. Tumour Markers in Andrology M. E. Bracke 77. Technical Investigations Including Imaging Procedures Doppler, MRI, PET, Echo for Tumours E. L. F. Nijs, R. H. Oyen 78. Technical Investigations Including Imaging Procedures Colour Flow Doppler and Thermography for the Detection of Reflux in Varicocele Y. Gat, M. Gornish 79. Evaluation of Testicular Biopsy Samples from the Clinical Perspective M. Bergmann 80. Genetics and Male Infertility T. B. Hargreave, D. J. Elliott 81. Tumour Genetics (ProstateTestisPenis) O. Tatarov, D. Kirk 82. Introduction to Surgical Section 83. Surgical Procedures in Andrology Christine Evans 84. Vasectomy Technique T. B. Hargreave 85. Vasovasostomy and Vasoepididymostomy A. M. Belker 86. Nonsurgical Cure of Varicocele by Transcatheter Embolization of the Internal Spermatic Vein(s) with a Tissue Adhesive J. Kunnen, M. Kunnen 87. Hormonal Treatment of Infertility F. Comhaire, A. Mahmoud 88. Hormonal Male Contraception D. J. Handelsman, G. M. H. Waites 89. Treatment of Gender Dysphoria L. J. G. Gooren 90. Treatment of Sexual Dysfunction L. J. G. Gooren 91. Therapeutic Options for Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH) and Prostatic Cancer Steve Ken Wing Leung, S. Alan McNeill 92. Partial Androgen Deficiency of the Ageing Male (PADAM) and Testosterone Supplementation Use, Misuse or Abuse D. Vanderschueren 93. Abuse of Androgens H. -C. Schuppe, A. Jung, W. -B. Schill 94. Exotic Hormones F. Comhaire, A. Mahmoud 95. Anti-Ageing Nutrition and Food Supplements F. Comhaire, A. Mahmoud 96. Nutriceuticals and Food Supplements in the Treatment of the Infertile Man F. Comhaire, A. Mahmoud 97. Assisted Reproductive Techniques W. Ombelet 98. Cryopreservation of Spermatozoa and Testicular Tissue Including Autotransplantation of Germinal Epithelium F. -M. K?hn 99. Current Research and Future Prospects for Gene Therapy in Andrology Y. Kojima, S. Sasaki, K. Kohri 100. Behavioural Therapy and Counselling E. A. Jannini, A. Lenzi, G. Wagner 101. Donor Insemination, Egg and Embryo Donation G. T. Kovacs, A. Trounson, K. Dawson 102. Aesthetic Andrology Surgical Interventions R. Ponchietti 103. Aesthetic Andrology Skin Care for Men — Male Cosmetics and Cosmetic Dermatologic Procedures C. Müller, W. -B. Schill
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