Fiction 100
By Arthur Conan Doyle, Alice Walker, William Faulkner, Фёдор Михайлович Достоевский, John Steinbeck, Thomas Wolfe, Nathaniel Hawthorne, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Edgar Allan Poe, Herman Melville, James H. Pickering, James Joyce, Richard Wright, Jack London, Gabriel García Márquez, Shirley Jackson, Alice Munro
Subjects: Boys, short stories, burial vaults, catechism, short story, horror, Mentally ill women, death, Domestic fiction, Mystery and detective stories, Puritans, heroic romances, class conflict, Horror stories, Crime, Devil, Juvenile audience, English fiction, Christmas, nonlinear narrative, catalepsy, Criticism and interpretation, Copyists, American Horror tales, locked-room mysteries, 20th century English fiction, gothic fiction, christian fiction, gentleman's agreements, tarns, The Lass of Aughrim, Securities industry, horror tales, Satanism, West Britons, Christmas stories, family life, Stories (texts), British and irish fiction, detective fiction, Christmas fiction, Fiction, Children's fiction, dragons, hermitages, Drama, maces, allegory, monograms, Revenge, psychogenic death, recluses, history and criticism, knights, Juvenile fiction, Anglo-Saxons, aristocracy, amorality, tradition, Classic Literature, Daily Express, Psychology, Young men, change, Private investigators, Family reunions, Three Graces, Nouvelles, Detective and mystery stories, hysteria
Description: The Grand inquisitor / Fëdor Dostoevski -- [The Adventure of the speckled band](https://openlibrary.org/works/OL262561W) / Arthur Conan Doyle -- King of the Bingo game / Ralph Ellison -- [Barn burning](https://openlibrary.org/works/OL20080279W) Dry September -- [A Rose for Emily](https://openlibrary.org/works/OL82884W) / William Faulkner -- Winter dreams / F. Scott Fitzgerald -- The Road from Colonus / E.M. Forster -- Aura / Carlos Fuentes -- Watch time fly / Laura Furman -- A Very old man with enormous wings / Gabriel G. Márquez -- The Yellow wall-paper / Charlotte P. Gilman -- A Jury of her peers / Susan Glaspell -- Dream children / Gail Godwin -- The Overcoat / Nikolai Gogol -- The Train from Rhodesia / Nadine Gordimer -- They can only hang you once / Dashiell Hammett -- The Three strangers / Thomas Hardy -- My kinsman, Major Molineux -- [Young Goodman Brown](https://openlibrary.org/works/OL455569W) / Nathaniel Hawthorne -- Hills like white elephants -- The Old man and the sea / Ernest Hemingway -- / The Legend of Sleepy Hollow -- Rip Van Winkle / Washington Irving -- The Lottery / Shirley Jackson -- The Beast in the jungle -- Daisy Miller. The Tree of knowledge / Henry James -- A White heron / Sarah Orne Jewett -- The Man who shot Liberty Valance -- / Dorothy M. Johnson -- [Araby](https://openlibrary.org/works/OL20570121W) [The Dead](https://openlibrary.org/works/OL15073437W) [A Little cloud](https://openlibrary.org/works/OL18179222W) / James Joyce -- A Hunger artist -- The Metamorphosis / Franz Kafka -- They / Rudyard Kipling -- The Horse dealer's daughter -- The Rocking-Horse winner / D.H. Lawrence -- Nine lives / Ursula K. Le Guin -- Wine / Doris Lessing -- To Build a fire / Jack London -- The Magic barrel / Bernard Malamud -- Mario and the magician / Thomas Mann -- The Fly / Katherine Mansfield -- Shiloh / Bobbie Ann Mason -- The Necklace / Guy De Maupassant -- [Bartleby the Scrivener](https://openlibrary.org/works/OL102732W) Benito Cereno / Herman Melville -- Patriotism / Yukio Mishima -- How I met my husband -- Thanks for the ride / Alice Munro -- The Schartz-Metterklume method / H.H. Munro (Saki) -- Something special / Iris Murdoch -- Four summers -- Where are you going, where have you been? / Joyce C. Oates -- The Artificial Nigger -- Everything that rises must converge. A Good man is hard to find / Flannery O'Connor -- Guests of the nation / Frank O'Connor -- Big blonde / Dorothy Parker -- [The Cask of Amontillado](https://openlibrary.org/works/OL41016W) [Fall of the House of Usher](https://openlibrary.org/works/OL41078W) [The Purloined letter](https://openlibrary.org/works/OL41065W) / Edgar Allan Poe -- The Grave / Katherine A. Porter -- Coach / Mary Robison -- Yellow woman / Leslie Silko -- Gimpel the fool / Isaac B. Singer -- The Chrysanthemums / John Steinbeck -- Dracula's guest / Bram Stoker -- The Watch / Graham Swift -- The Catbird seat / James Thurber -- The Death of Ivan Ilych / Leo Tolstoy -- The Country doctor / Ivan Turgenev -- A & P -- Separating / John Updike -- Report on the barnhouse effect / Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. -- To Hell with dying / Alice Walker -- The Man who could work miracles / H.G. Wells -- Petrified man -- Why I live at the P.O. / Eudora Welty -- Taking Care / Joy Williams -- Only the dead know Brooklyn / Thomas Wolfe -- Maiden voyage / Tobias Wolff -- The Man who was almost a man / Richard Wright.
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