By Oliver Sacks, Jonathan Davis
Subjects: Drug therapy, Encephalitis lethargica, Encephalitis, Epidemic, L-Dopa, Encefalitis epidémica, Encephalitis, Studium przypadku, DOPA, Parkinson disease, postencephalitic, Coma, Encephalitis, viral, Psychofysiologie, Neurolodzy, Complications, Levodopa, Case studies, Śpiączkowe zapalenie mózgu, Zastosowanie w leczeniu, Dopa, Neurology, Zakażenie arbowirusami, Therapeutic use, Epidemic encephalitis, Nervous System Diseases, Zapalenie mózgu nagminne, Case reports, Casuïstiek, Parkinsonism, Postencephalitic Parkinson's disease, Choroba Parkinsona, Parkinson's disease, Enfermedad de Parkinson, Lewodopa, Encephalitis epidemica, Fallstudiensammlung, Parkinson Disease, Farmakoterapia
Description: This is the extraordinary account of a group of 20 patients, survivors of the great sleeping-sickness epidemic which swept the world in the 1920s, and the astonishing, explosive "awakening" effect they experienced 40 years later through a new drug L-DOPA administered by Dr Sacks. The stories he tells of these remarkable individuals are moving, often courageous and sometimes tragic. Through them he also explores the most general questions of health, disease, suffering, care and the human condition.
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