Official Sega Genesis and Game Gear Strategies, '94 Edition
By Tom Badgett, Corey Sandler
Subjects: Columns, Road Avenger, Tommy Lasorda Baseball, The Amazing Spider-Man, Lightning Force, Woody Pop, Tongue of the Fatman, Guide Book, Pac-Mania, Dragon Crystal, Rolo to the Rescue, World of Illusion, Sega Genesis, Air Diver, Ax Battler: A Legend of Golden Axe, Decap Attack, Last Battle, Might and Magic: Gates to Another World, James """"Buster"""" Douglas Championship Boxing, Kris Kross, Video Games, Space Invaders '91, China Warrior, Arcus Odyssey, Abrams Battle Tank, World Class Leaderboard, RPG, Hard Drivin', Stormlord, Midnight Resistance, Sewer Shark, Blockout, Faery Tale Adventure, Golden Axe, Phantasy Star II, Global Gladiators, Rambo III, Slider, Time Gal, Mickey Mouse Castle of Illusion, Role Playing Games, Revenge of Drancon, Gods, Battletoads, Sega, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle: The Hyperstone Heist, Arrow Flash, John Madden Football, Universal Soldier, Streets of Rage, Onslaught, Alien Storm, Taz-Mania, Sonic the Hedgehog, Forgotten Worlds, Games, Joe Montana Football, Biohazard Battle, The Adventures of Willy Beamish, Videogames, Joe Montana Sports Talk Football, Zoom!, Thunder Force III, Halley Wars, LHX Attack Chopper, Arnold Palmer, Wanted Dead or Alive: Bonanza Brothers, Sega Game Gear, Saint Sword, Splatter House 2, Electronic Entertainment, Thunder Fox, Team USA Basketball, Revenge of Shinobi, G-Loc, Fantasia, Truxton, Hobbies, Out Run, Syd of Valis, Insector X, Bubsy: Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind, Altered Beast, Joe Montana II Sportstalk Football, Fatal Fury, Mutant League Football, Dragon's Fury, M.U.S.H.A., Bulls Vs. Lakers and the NBA Play-Offs, Powerball, Land of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse, Predator 2, Trouble Shooter, Chuck Rock, Game Genie, Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle, Turrican, Krusty's Fun House, Streets of Rage 2, Crystal Warriors, Tom & Jerry, Putt & Putter, World Championship Soccer, Activator, MegaDrive, Sega CD, Junction, Batman, Cobra Command, Road Rash, Tips, The Immortal, Sol-Deace, Mystical Fighter, Final Zone, Rolling Thunder 2, Rastan Saga II, Super Hang-On, Night Trap, Pit Fighter, Wonder Dog, Mario Lemieux Hockey, Space Harrier, Tailspin, Final Fight, Rise of the Dragon, Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse, Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Centurion: Defender of Rome, Steel Empire, Task Force Harrier, Kid Chameleon, Twin Cobra: Desert Attack Helicopter, Jurassic Park, Shinobi, Mortal Kombat, Zany Golf, Mega Drive, Hints, Psychic World, Ninja Boy, Space Harrier II, Dynamite Duke, The Chessmaster, Sega VR, Go1ve1lius, Gaiares, Paperboy 2, Valis III, Mike Ditka Power Football, After Burner II, Phelios, Slaughter Sport, Back to the Future 3, James Pond Underwater Agent, Lotus Turbo Challenge, Wings of Wor, Ferrari Grand Prix Challenge, Herzog Zwei, Arch Rivals, Crue Ball, Trampoline Terror, Batman Returns, Lemmings, Shove It!, The Simpsons: Bart's Nighare, Nhl Hockey, Ecco the Dolphin, Solitaire Poker, Dracula, Battle Squadron, Budokan: The Martial Spirit, Cool Spot, Rolling Thunder, Mystic Defender, The Incredible Crash Dummies, Gallahad, Quad Challenge, Sega MegaDrive, Air Buster, Marky Mark: Make Your Own Music Video, Sword of Sodan, Crack Down, Hellfire, George Foreman's Ko Boxing, Might and Magic, Strider, NFL Sports Talk '93, Earnest Evans, Walkthrough, Buck Rogers Countdown to Doomsday, Warrior of Rome II, Burning Force, Flashback: The Quest for Identity!, Beast Wrestler, Activator controller, Super Thunder Blade, Deadly Moves, E-Swat: City Under Siege, Thunder Force II, Adventure, Two Crude Dudes, Robocop, Pat Riley Basketball, Alien 3, Target Earth, Clutch Hitter, F-22 Interceptor, T2: the Arcade Game, Quack Shot Starring Donald Duck, James Pond: the Aquatic Games, Whip Rush, Devilish, Black Hole Assault, Fighting Masters, Tiny Toon Adventures, Superman, Super Monaco GP, Go! Go! Tank, Shining in the Darkness, D.J. Boy, Sega Games, Raiden Trad, El Viento, John Madden Football '92, Tournament Golf, Gynoug, Ghostbusters, Shadow of the Beast 2, Ariel the Little Mermaid, Pigskin Footbrawl, Hint Book, Jungle Strike, Outrun, Marvel Land, Krusty's Super Funhouse, Fantasy Zone, Shadow Blasters, Ninja Gaiden, Krusty's Super Fun House, Desert Strike, Vampire Master of Darkness, Road Rash 2, Tazmania, Klax, Greendog, Chakan, X-Men, Cyberball, Strategy Guide, Warsong, Batman: Revenge of the Joker, Batter Up, Strategy, James Pond II: Codename Robocod, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist
Description: This is a review, hints, tips, and strategy, book for games for various "Sega video game systems, the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive, Sega Game Gear, and Sega CD. The first two chapters have 26 reviews with detailed information about the games. The later parts of the book have mostly mini codes, and cheats, as well as Game Genie codes. One game can be found in several chapters, covering different topics, and cheats in the games. The introduction of the book says that there are 233 games covered in this book. The book was officially authorized by Sega, and provides previews of new games and technology such as the Sega VR, and the Activator motion controller. For each game reviewed, there are a rating of the games "Graphics/Sound", "Response/Playability", "Fun/Realism", and a overall "Ultimate Score". There are descriptions of the items, displays, and enemies, weapons, and other such objects in the game, as well as tips on how to overcome, or use these items. There are tips on how to beat various difficult points in some of the games, as well as cheats and in game secrets that allow players to beat the game by getting multiple lives, or gaining extra power-ups be doing various activities in the games. There are grey scale screenshots. The book was originally sold at $6.99.
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