VISUAL EF9ECTS | Architecture and the Chess Game of Form & Story
Subjects: Formalism, art, 9781716497841, 9781716486357, architecture, painting, JEF7REY HILDNER, 9780998703091, theory & practice, THE ARCHITECT PAINTER PRESS, 9780359126262, design
Description: 2018 JEF7REY HILDNER | ARCHITECT — The Architect Painter Press, Sacramento, California "**Architecture is a chess game of Form & Story waged on the battlefield of a building and its site. The armies of Form & Story fight the war of art. They fight for our mind and soul and heart.**" —Jef7rey Hildner, *Visual Ef9ects* ♞|7 First Edition | November 27, 2018 ♞|7 In honor of the enduring memory and Earth Arrival Day (November 27) of Laura Dawn Middleton — to whom this book is dedicated LAURA DAWN MIDDLETON: November 27, 1963 — November 29, 2017 ♞|7 Go to [Internet Archive Texts][1] [1]: https://archive.org/details/VisualEf9ects-Cover
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