Comments on Here and Hereafter
By Jones, Bob
Description: "Of making many books there is no end," so spoke the man in the book of Ecclesiastes. This book, "Comments on Here and Hereafter," however, is not just another of the many that often cause "weariness of the flesh." It is alive, for it is the distinct fingerprint of a Christian's soul. The paragraphs of which it consists have been taken, whole or in part, from the columns of "The Fellowship News," of which the author is editor, and from his syndicate articles released to the secular press. These paragraphs have had necessarily to be dictated rapidly to a stenographer between the strain and stress of evangelistic meetings, the classes of practical instruction to students, and many other duties. Not one paragraph was ever given to fill space, but with the sole desire of instructing, warning, and inspiring its readers to keep in mind that they had but one earthly life and therefore should live it worthily with eyes fixed on an eternal goal. From boyhood the author's compelling aim has been to glorify God as the Redeemer of mankind; therefore, a number of personal paragraphs have been selected because of their human touch. As an evangelist for over 40 years, the founder of Bob Jones College, the Young People's Fellowship Club, and the Gospel Fellowship Association, Dr. Jones needs no introduction to the people of this country or other countries, as he is greatly beloved by multitudes whose feet he has guided from the darkness and shadow of eternal death into the way of everlasting peace. As managing editor of "The Fellowship News," it has been my joyous privilege to arrange the contents of this book. May it bear healing on its wings to the immortal souls of its saved readers, and may it be read by unsaved sinners and cause them to seek unto the living God. - Introduction - Grace W. Haight. This is not a book of sermons but a collection of comments or thoughts. This book consists of paragraphs taken from the columns of The Fellowship News, of which the author was editor, and from his syndicated articles released to the secular press. It is filled with examples from Dr. Jones' own experience. It is a collection of comments or thoughts, as many as 20 or 30 each, on subjects like Christian living, God, worship, Satan, the Bible, and heaven.
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