Draft Roan Plateau resource management plan amendment and environmental impact statement
By United States. Bureau of Land Management. Colorado State Office
Subjects: Planning, Land use, Public lands, Management
Description: The Draft Roan Plateau Resource Management Plan Amendment and Environmental Impact Statement analyzes five alternatives for managing approximately 73,602 acres of federal land within the Planning Area in western Colorado in Garfield and Rio Blanco Counties. Alternative I is the continuation of present management or No Action alternative. Alternatives II through V present differing balances of land use allocations. Alternative III is the agency-preferred alternative. The plan amendment which is ultimately adopted may combine components from the various alternatives presented in this Draft. Major issues addressed include management of natural gas resources, wilderness characteristics, livestock grazing, hunting, wildlife habitat, ecological values, visual resources/scenic quality, recreation, transportation planning, Wild and Scenic Rivers eligibility, and designation of special management areas.
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