Photographic Astrometry Techniques
By Roberto Alfano
Subjects: Minor Planet Centre, Astrometry, Positional Astronomy, MPC, Harvard-Smithsonian, Photographic Astrometry, Data Reduction, Asteroids, Error propagation, Comets, Runge-Kutta, Minor Bodies Orbits
Description: A comprehensive (130 pages) methodological approach to the experimental deduction of equatorial Astrometric Topocentric positions of newly discovered comets and asteroids. The orbital elements of those objects are always poorly defined, reason why they are prone to be lost. Massive amounts of high quality positions, obtained by worldwide Astronomical Observatories equipped for astronomical positional research are then urgently needed by the International Astronomical Union Commission 20, Minor Planet Center of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, at Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. The research here presented shows the entire step-by-step measurement and data analysis procedure. Shown also the related software developed by Luca Maccarini. The method of the standard coordinates has been used to provide astrometric topocentric positions for three newly discovered comets to the Minor Planet Center of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, at Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. The residuals of the astrometric topocentric positions resulted <1.2". The research was conducted with equipments of the Genoa Astronomical Observatory, codified 974 by the Minor Planet Center of the International Astronomical Union, Commission 20. Positions since then integrated into the orbital parameters of the respective comets and published in the peer-reviewed MPC, Minor Planet Circulars of the International Astronomical Union, ISSN 0736-6884. This text was peered-reviewed by a Comittee composed by the professional Astronomers: - prof. Giuliano Romano, Asiago Astronomical Observatory, - prof. Giancarlo Favero, Department of Astronomy of Padua University, - Walter Ferreri, Turin Astronomical Observatory. and awarded in May 1988 at the scientific contest held at Rozzano (Milan area, Italy).
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