The Changing Pattern of Female Labour Force Participation in Sri Lanka

The Changing Pattern of Female Labour Force Participation in Sri Lanka

By A.T.P.L. Abeykoon


Description: The female labour force in Sri Lanka has increased by more than four fold over a period of five decades since 1946. Age-specific participation rates also show increased participation in the age range from 20 to 54 years. The peak level of participation is observed in the age group 20-24 years. the rising educational attainment of females has had both positive and negative influence on female participation in the labour force. While in the younger ages, it has depressed participation due to increasing levels of enrollments in education, at ages above 20 years, it has contributed to increased participation due to postponement of marriage as well as acquiring skills necessary for employment. Female employment by industry and occupation show that there has been a gradual shift from agricultural employment to service sector employment. There has also been an increase in employment of unpaid family workers in recent years possibly due to the growth of small scale family based enterprises. The increasing level of female participation in the labour force has to be seen in a positive light. It is necessary to mobilize their labour in a productive manner for economic development. With declining fertility, eventually the population in the youth age group will decline in absolute number in the future. This shortfall can be met by increased participation of females in the labour force. Thus the economic and manpower policies should be directed at training and productively employing females at all levels of occupation.


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