Spirit world and spirit life

Spirit world and spirit life

By Charlotte Elizabeth Dresser

Subjects: Heaven, Spiritualism, Automatic Writing, Afterlife

Description: Automatic Writing, by Charlotte Elizabeth Dresser, edited by Fred Rafferty. "SEVENTEEN years ago, when quite alone, after the 'passing' of father, mother, sister, and brothers, I formed a friendship, that grew into a companionship so fine that the world became for me a happier place and life a brighter thing. We were a trio: 'Dee,' 'F. R.,' and 'Sis'; for so we changed our names to familiar and intimate expression. Twelve years passed, with no break in the happy association, and then suddenly and with little warning Dee passed out of this earthly life. To me, remained the hope of renewing the companionship in a world where parting is unknown. To. F. R. a black wall, beyond which, nothing! For, long before, his mind had accepted the reasoning of materialistic philosophy, and, arguing from that standpoint, death ended all; and life, going out like a spent candle, could in nowise be relighted. Months went by. Finally a few friends, interested in psychic phenomena, asked us to join them in experiment. From the first, even through primitive table-tipping and the much criticized ouijaboard, messages came that arrested the attention, and F. R. grew more and more interested. Later, through ouija, I was asked to try automatic writing; and, after a few trials, found the pencil moving quite freely and giving messages which I could not have anticipated, and which many times were quite contrary to my own thought and belief."


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