Batch distillation
By Urmila M. Diwekar
Subjects: Distillation, SCIENCE / Chemistry / Industrial & Technical, TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING / Chemical & Biochemical
Description: "Most available books in chemical engineering mainly pertain to continuous processes, with batch distillation relegated to a small section. Filling this void in the chemical engineering literature, Batch Distillation: Simulation, Optimal Design, and Control, Second Edition helps readers gain a solid, hands-on background in batch processing. The second edition of this bestseller explores numerous new developments in batch distillation that have emerged since the publication of the first edition.New to the Second EditionSpecial sections on complex column configurations and azeotropic, extractive, and reactive distillationA chapter on various kinds of uncertainties in batch distillation A chapter covering software packages for batch distillation simulation, design, optimization, and controlSeparate chapters on complex columns and complex systems Up-to-date references and coverage of recent research articlesThis edition continues to explain how to effectively design, synthesize, and make operations decisions related to batch processes. Through careful treatments of uncertainty analysis, optimization, and optimal control methods, the author gives readers the necessary tools for making the best decisions in practice. While primarily designed for a graduate course in batch distillation, the text can also be used in undergraduate chemical engineering courses. In addition, researchers and academics faced with batch distillation research problems and practicing chemical engineers tackling problems in actual day-to-day operations will find the book to be a useful reference source"-- "PREFACE The recent increase in the production of high value-added, low-volume specialty chemicals and biochemicals has generated a renewed interest in batch processing technologies. Batch distillation is an important unit operation in the batch processing industry and is widely used. The flexibility of batch distillation combined with the inherent unsteady nature of the process poses challenging design and operation problems. In view of the practical importance and in response to industrial needs for chemical engineers with a strong background in batch processing, more and more educational institutions are redesigning their curricula to include courses devoted to the subject. From both academic and industrial standpoints, therefore, a book dedicated to the subject of batch distillation is of much significance, which is the motivation for the present undertaking. Since the existing books in chemical engineering pertain mainly to continuous processes, with the subject of batch distillation being relegated to only a small section, the book fills an important void in chemical engineering literature. The book features the following: (a) it introduces the various operating modes in detail, (b) it examines the challenges involved in a rigorous modeling of batch distillation column dynamics, (c) it provides a hierarchy of models of varying complexity and rigor, (d) it presents approaches to optimal design of batch distillation columns and highlight the differences vis-a-vis continuous columns, (e) it describes optimal control problems in batch distillation, and (f) it discusses analysis and synthesis of columns with complex thermodynamics, and complex, unconventional column configurations In addition to presenting an overview of batch distillation design, operation,"--
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