The Anti-Coup
By Gene Sharp
Subjects: Civil Society, Coups d'e tat, Nonviolence, Direct action, legislative steps, Civilians, Political Science, Resistance, Government, Coups D'état, Civilian-based defense, Political aspects
Description: **A coups d'état is a rapid seizure of physical and political control of the state apparatus by illegal action of a conspiratorial group backed by the threat or use of violence.** The members of the previous government are deposed against their will. Initially the coup group rapidly occupies the centers of command, decision-making, and administration, replacing the previous chief executive and top officials with persons (military or civilian) of their choice. Eventually they gain control of the whole state apparatus. Successful coups are usually completed quickly, at most within forty-eight hours. As coups are one of the primary ways through which dictatorships are installed, ***this pamphlet details measures that civilians, civil society, and governments can take to prevent and block coups d'état and executive usurpations. It also contains specific legislative steps and other measures that governments and non-governmental institutions can follow to prepare for anti-coup resistance.***
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