By Amir Valle Ojeda
Description: This is the great book about the jineteras, as they call in Cuba the women who exercise sexual commerce in a country where it is said prostitution is prohibited but where politics applies itself to turning a blind eye. It's the fruit of an investigation of almost 10 years, in archives and yellowing, dusty documents, and among the prostitutes, pimps, corrupt police, taxi drivers, tourist agents, hidden brothel owners and drug traffickers themselves. "There exists a dark, sordid, sinister, disgusting and dirty world in nocturnal Cuba, that follows its own laws and that appears to pray an eternal our-father to the memory of the Marquis de Sade". the author, Amir Valle, a noted Cuban writer of the last generation, says in the introduction. This edition includes the investigative part that, for various reasons, the author left out of the original version, and incorporates, in addition, an upate about the changes and present modus operandi of organized prostitution in Cuba.
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