Adolescent identity formation
By Gerald R. Adams
Subjects: Psychologie, Identiteit, Adolescent psychology, Personnalité chez l'adolescent, Self Concept, Adolescent Psychology, Identification (Psychology), Persoonlijkheidsontwikkeling, Developmental psychology, Identity (Psychology) in adolescence, Identité chez l'adolescent, Adolescence, Adolescents, Adolescenten, Ego
Description: "How does identity influence the way adolescents make decisions and cope with stressors? What processes enable the minority adolescent to integrate ethnic identity with other identities into a "meta-identity"? Rooted in the theoretical work of Erikson and Blos, an international team of scholars explores the processes of identity formation, social and behavioral outcomes and management, social contextual factors, and issues of alternative conceptualizations and measurement. Opening with James Marcia's identity status paradigm, the book includes many exciting discussions, including women's identity and Erikson's notions of inner space, Grotevant's process model and how adoptive identity might be studied, the Groningen identity Development Scale, the question of a unitary self, a multidimensional approach to ethnic identity, how cognitive factors intervene in the process of identity formation, and the influence of cognitive identity styles with the ways in which adolescents cope with stress. Students, researchers, and practitioners interested in the latest work on adolescent identity development and its impact on solving adolescents' problems will find this volume a thought-provoking addition to their studies."--BOOK JACKET.
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