The United States in Literature
By Bret Harte, Carl Sandburg, Ernest Hemingway, Day, Clarence, Mark Twain, Dorothy Parker, Henry David Thoreau, Washington Irving, James Thurber, O. Henry, Theodore Hornberger, Theresa Helburn, Ogden Nash, Jesse Stuart, Douglas Southall Freeman, Walt Whitman, Stephen Crane, Stephen Vincent Benét, Benjamin Franklin, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Eugene O'Neill, Edgar Allan Poe, Thornton Wilder, Paul Farmer, Walter Blair, Brad Schulberg, Robert C. Pooley
Subjects: short story, Supernatural, Study and teaching, Paranormal fiction, Fiction, American literature
Description: Contains: PART I: American Life Through Literature A. THE GROWTH OF A NATION 23 UNIT I: SETTLING THE SEABOARD 24 Captain Smith Among the Indians John Smith 25 America's First Great Lady Donald Culross Peattie 28 A Tobacco Deal Mary Johnston 31 March 1621 Helen Grace Carlisle 40 Housewifery Edward Taylor 46 Early Life in Manhattan Washington Irving 47 Neighbors in Virginia William Byrd 52 An Escape from Alligators William Bartram 55 UNIT II: MOVING WESTWARD 61 A Test of Fortitude James Fenimore Cooper 62 Daniel Boone"s Last Look Westward Cale Young Rice 70 Crockett's Morning Hunt 72 The Saga of Pecos Bill Edward O'Reilly 73 Four Folk Songs 76 Sweet Betsy from Pike 78 The Little Old Sod Shanty on the Claim 79 The Old Chisholm Trail 81 Billy the Kid The Leader of the People John Steinbeck 82 The Ideals of the Pioneer Frederick J. Turner 92 UNIT III: FROM MANY DISTANT COUNTRIES 97 Nancy Byrd Turner 98 George and Helen Papashvily 98 Immigrants The First Day O'Meara, the Mayflower— and Mrs. MacLirr Don Marquis 103 Four Generations Ruth Suckow 112 Mr. K*a*p*l*a*n Cuts a Gordian Knot Leonard Q. Ross 120 Awroopdedoop Benjamin Appel 124 "Scum o' the Earth" Robert Haven Schauffier 130 A Nation of Nations Louis Adamic 132 UNIT IV: THE RISE OF SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY 139 How to Make Lightning Rods Benjamin Franklin 140 The Paper Mill in Devil's Dungeon Herman Melville 141 John Henry and the Machine in West Walter Blair 147 The Brute Virginia William Vaughn Moody 155 Tin Lizzie John Dos Passos 157 Reed of Virginia Charles Morrow Wilson 160 Wheels in His Head M. M. Musselman 166 Machines With and Without Freedom David E. Lilienthal 172 B. THE DEVELOPMENT OF AMERICAN IDEALS 179 UNIT IV: THE PRICE OF LIBERTY 180 "Sweet Land of Liberty" Freedom Is a Habit Carl Sandburg 181 The Gray Champion Nathaniel Hawthorne 182 "Light and Truth" FROM A Scheme for Education in a New Republic Thomas Jefferson 189 Henry Cogdal Edgar Lee Masters 191 "Rights and Duties" FROM First Inaugural Address Thomas Jefferson 192 Practical Politics Fiorello La Giiardia 194 The Poor Voter on Election Day John Greenleaf Whittier 200 Lone Wolf's Old Guard Hamlin Garland 200 "What Americans Have Fought For" A Tooth for Paul Revere Stephen Vincent Benet 206 The Declaration of Independence 216 Second Inaugural Address Abraham Lincoln 219 Message Asking for Declaration of War Franklin Delano Roosevelt 221 The Future for Democracy Vannevar Bush 222 UNIT Vi: THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 227 "Farm and City" I Hear America Singing Walt Whitman 228 Life on the Farm Samuel Clemens 229 A Holiday with Father Clarence Day 234 Mowing Robert Frost 239 The Year of the Hot Winter James Stevens 240 The Riverman Stewart Edward White 244 America Was Schoolmasters Robert P. Tristram Coffin 251 Chicago Carl Sandburg 252 "Good Times" CirCus at Dawn Thomas Wolfe 253 Fiddler Jones Edgar Lee Masters 257 At the Symphony Robert Nathan 257 "Life and Love" Sixteen Maureen Daly, adapted for radio by Betty Keppler 258 I Can't Breathe Ring Lardner 264 Annabel Lee Edgar Allan Poe 270 Give All to Love Ralph Waldo Emerson 271 I Shall Not Care Sara Teasdale 272 "Personal Faith" The Creation James Weldon Johnson 271 Three Spirituals Oh, Lawd. How Long? Joshua Fit de Battle ob Jericho This Train Evening and Morning Prayer John Mayo Goss Jim Bludso. of the Prairie Belle John Hay FROM Self-ReLIance Ralph Waldo Emerson Credo Edwin Arlington Robinson PART II The Pageant of American Literature C. MEN AND BOOKS 291 UNIT IV: BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (representing The Colonial Period) Introduction, 292; The Common-Sense Philosopher. 292; The Patriotic Penman. 302; The Scientist, 306; The Man of the World, 310 Dogood Papers. No. 1 Project of Arriving at Moral Perfection Protection of Towns from Fire Let Us Now Forgive and Forget The Electrical Kite First Aerial Voyage by Man The Ephemera Dialogue Between Franklin and the Gout UNIT VIII: WASHINGTON IRVING (representing The Early National Period) Introduction. 322; Irving Contrasted with Franklin. 322; New >ork Amateur. 323". Irving and Europe. 329; Europe and America, 331: IrNinc's Rom.inticism, 343; Historian and Biographer, 351 The Golden Reign of Wouter Van Twiller Christmas The Devil and Tom Walker The Camp of the Wild Horse UNIT IX: HENRY DAVID THOREAU (representing America's "Golden Day") 360 Introduction, 360; Craftsman and Woodsman, 360; Humorous Philosopher, 366; The Walden Idea, 371; Rebel, 377 Chasing a Fox The Battle of the Ants Miss Mary Emerson I Attend a Party I Chase a Pig Why I Went to the Woods My House by Walden Pond FROM Civil Disobedience UNIT X: WALT WHITMAN (representing The Period of Conflict) 386 Introduction, 386; The Early Whitman, 386; The New Whitman, 389; Poet in Wartime, 394; Postwar Themes, 401 Young Grimes FROM To You FROM By Blue Ontario's Shore Beat! Beat! Drums When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloomed FROM Passage to India Joy, Shipmate, Joy! UNIT Xi: SAMUEL CLEMENS (representing The Period of New Outlooks) 410 Introduction, 410; Journalist, 411; Yarnspinner, 419; Fiction Writer, 426 The Boys' Ambition Flush Times in Silverland Bugs The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County Huck Visits the Grangerfords UNIT XIi: STEPHEN VINCENT BENET (representing The Twentieth Century) AAA Introduction, 444; Rebel of the 1920's, 444; Interpreter of America's Past, 448; Realist, 462; Patriot, 473 Carol: New Style Stonewall Jackson's Last Charge The Devil and Daniel Webster Famous Listen to the People D. CHANGING LITERARY PATTERNS UNIT XI Ii: THE AMERICAN SHORT STOR \^ Introduction The Purloined Letter Edgar Allan Poe The Fall of the House of Usher Edgar Allan Poe [Dr. Heidegger's Experiment](https://openlibrary.org/works/OL455515W/Dr._Heidegger's_Experiment) Nathaniel Hawthorne The Luck of Roaring Camp Bret Harte The Gift of the Magi O. Henry A Myster>' of Heroism Stephen Crane In Another Country Ernest Hemingway UNIT XIV : LYRIC AMERICA Introduction The Wild Honeysuckle Philip Freneau The Indian Burying Ground Philip Freneau Thanatopsis William Calien Bryant To a Waterfowl William Calien Bryant Israfel Edgar Allan Poe The Raven Edgar Allan Poe My Lost Youth Henry Wadsworth Longfellow The Arsenal at Springfield Henry Wadsworth Longfellow The Trailing Arbutus John Greenleaf Whittier Dear Lord and Father of Mankind John Greenleaf Whittier The Chambered Nautilus Oliver Wendell Holmes My Aunt Oliver Wendell Holmes To the Dandelion James Russell Lowell The Courtin' James Russell Lowell The Snowstorm Ralph Waldo Emerson The Rhodora Ralph Waldo Emerson Ode Henry Timrod Aspects of the Pines Paul Hamilton Hayne The Conquered Banner Abram J. Ryan The Marshes of Glynn Sidney Lanier For You O Democracy Walt Whitman When I Heard the Learn'd Astronomer Walt Whitman I'll Tell You How the Sun Rose Emily Dickinson The Snake Emily Dickinson To a Wood Violet John Bannister Tahh The Whippoorwil! John Bannister Tahh General William Booth Enters into Heaven Wichel Lindsay Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening Robert Frost 585 Birches Robert Frost 586 Lucinda Matlock Edgar Lee Masters 587 Anne Rutledge Edgar Lee Masters 587 Miniver Cheevy Edwin Arlington Robinson 587 The Dark Hills Edwin Arlington Robinson 588 The Harbor Carl Sandburg 588 Jazz Fantasia Carl Sandburg 589 Any Human to Another Countee Cullen 589 Brave New World Archibald MacLeish 590 A Cut Flower Karl Shapiro 591 October 1 Karl Shapiro 591 UNIT XV: AMERICAN HUMOR 595 Introduction 595 Father Opens My Mail Clarence Day 598 Every Day Is Monday Ogden Nash 602 This Is Going to Hurt Just a Little Bit Ogden Nash 603 Love Song Dorothy Parker 604 The Waltz Dorothy Parker 604 University Days James Thurber 607 UNIT XVI: AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY 615 Introduction 615 Young Abe Lincoln Carl Sandburg 617 The Surrender at Appomattox Douglas Freeman 623 Country Schoolteacher Jesse Stuart 629 The Priceless Gift of Laughter Time Magazine 634 UNIT XVIi: DRAMA IN AMERICA 641 Introduction 641 He Eugene O'Neill 644 The Happy Journey to Trenton and Camden Enter the Hero The Pharmacist's Mate Thornton Wilder 655 Theresa Helburn 663 Budd Schidberg, adapted for television from a newspaper story by George Weller 612> Glossary Pronunciation ol Proper Names Index of Literary Terms Index of Types of Literature General Index
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