Raindance autumn

Raindance autumn

By Phyllis Halldorson


Description: THE RIGHT KNIGHT When Rusty Watt swept Annelise Kelsey from her wrecked car, she longed to leave her hard- won cynicism behind and surrender to his rough charm, his disturbingly gentle touch. But after having been raised in poverty and shame, Raindance's new librarian intended to make her future with someone rich and sophisticated--not this countrified bear of a man. So, prepared to protest their deepening feelings, Annelise was stunned to hear Rusty's own denial: he was a longtime bachelor, she a hopeless young innocent--it couldn't possibly work. With an unfamiliar heat firing her determination, Annelise set out to prove to this incorrigible cowboy that she was all woman-- and he was just the shining knight she'd been waiting for!


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