Fringe dweller on the night shift
By Monica Holy
Subjects: supernatural, death, soul, paranormal, reincarnation, psychic, astral, out of body
Description: **Fringe Dweller** combines cosmic adventure with down-to-earth thought in an often light-hearted personal narrative. Part art, part memoir, and part philosophy, this book is a work of the heart. It is Monica's step into the light—a coming out of the psychic closet. Monica is not seeking converts. Her purpose is to encourage readers to look within themselves for answers, to comfort those who have lost a loved one, and to help those who are having their own psychic experiences to feel less alone in their often strange and secretive worlds. Each of the ten main chapters is derived from, and illustrated by, a painting that Monica has created from her lucid dream memories. The strong and sometimes haunting paintings provide the structure for this book. The chapters are related but independent episodes punctuated by stories of life on the Other Side.
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