Miedo a Comer
By Lorraine C. Ladish
Description: When she was sixteen, the author went on a strict diet to lose some weigh that she really didn´t need to lose. As a consequence she started to suffer eating disorders that ruled her life for many years: bulimia and anorexia. Once she overcame the problem, and based on her own experience Lorraine C. Ladish wrote this book to inform and help people who are suffering this modern plague, as well as their relatives and friends. In the book she explains the facts on eating disorders, how it feels to be in the grips of anorexia and bulimia, and she tells parents how to be on the look out for the tell-tale signs. She also gives practical tips such as how to prevent a binge, how to handle difficult situations, etc. The main purpose of the book is to prove that if the bulimic or anorexic is really determined, she can overcome her illness, and learn to love herself, warts and all. When this happens, the author says, one finally accepts her own limitations and feels capable of reaching any other goal in life. A los 16 años, al someterme a una absurda dieta para perder unos kilos que no me sobraban, comencé a sufrir las consecuencias de la bulimia y la anorexia. Desde la perspectiva de la recuperación y la experiencia propia, escribí este libro para informar y ayudar tanto a las personas que sufren esta plaga moderna como a sus familiares. Enseño a los padres a reconocer los síntomas y a los enfermos a pedir ayuda. Principalmente quiero mostrar que si hay un verdadero empeño y si se recibe la ayuda adecuada, se puede alcanzar la curación. Cuando esto ocurre, empezas a quererte tal cual eres, aceptas tus limitaciones y te sientes capaz de conseguir cualquier cosa.
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